To the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus
March 15, 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus - the Basic Law of the country, which has the highest legal force and enshrines the fundamental principles and norms of legal regulation of the most important public relations.
The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus establishes inalienable human rights and guarantees of their implementation, mutual responsibilities of a citizen and the state, the procedure for the formation and functioning of government bodies.
The Constitution was adopted on March 15, 1994. For the first time in the history of Belarusian statehood, it consolidated the status of the republic as a unitary democratic social state of law, established the principles of a democratic system, the priority of human rights and freedoms, and the primacy of international law.
The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, updated in 2022, is the historical choice of the Belarusian people. The Constitution embodied the continuity and experience of the centuries-old historical path of Belarus and marked a new stage in the political and socio-economic development of our country.
The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus is based on three main components:
- regulation of rights and freedoms;
- establishment of a state mechanism;
- regulation of the legislative system and justice system.
Main objectives of the Constitution:
- consolidate and guarantee human rights;
- streamline state power;
- establish justice in the country.
According to the Basic Law, the manifestation of patriotism is the fundamental duty of every citizen of the country. The Constitution includes provisions aimed at preserving historical truth and memory of the Great Patriotic War and the mass heroism of the people.
The task of each of us is to comply with constitutional duties, support and preserve the values that are established by the basic state law.
For any country, the Constitution is the most important attribute of the state, a symbol of dignity and honor. Respecting and fulfilling the fundamental law means respecting your country, respecting yourself!